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You may have a few questions about your dog's behaviour, wondering if it's normal and where to turn for the right answers. Dog training advice is easy to find, but what advice should we follow and will different training techniques affect the relationship we share with our dogs, and their relationship with the world around them.
Feel free to download and study the following resources to help understand common behaviour concerns or prepare for your new life with your puppy!
All of the information found below is based on scientifically proven, force free and positive reinforcement training methods.
To expand on this knowledge or book a training session with a certified trainer, please follow the 'Private Consultation' Tab.
Click on a photo below for a short handout with further information on the topic!
Understanding science based training with the use of rewards, and how it works.
Introducing your new puppy to your home and family members (including cats!)
How to safely interact with puppies to reduce nipping, biting, mouthing and create a life lasting bond.
Creating positive associations with the world at a young age, during your puppies crucial learning period
Walking on a leash does not come naturally to our dogs. Actively teaching them how to walk on a leash will set them up for success
Crate Training is a useful tool and becomes your dog's safe space. Ensure crate training is taught in a positive manner to create good associations from day 1!
Pulling, lunging, snapping and barking at other dogs or stimuli on leash are all indicators that your dog may be leash reactive.
Normal and potentially abnormal play behaviors in dogs and puppies. When to step in, and how.
Identifying aggressive behavior and what to do if your dog has developed aggressive tendencies.
Identifying canine fear signals to help communicate with our dogs and speak their language.
Touching, hugging and kissing are all human behaviors often forced upon our dogs without consent. Learn appropriate and welcomed touch with dogs to avoid touch sensitivity. Learn how to help a dog with touch sensitivity.
learning to love nail trims, brush outs and general handling for husbandry for lifelong care.
A natural survival instinct in dogs, but troublesome behavior in human homes. How can we help?
Diving into the wonderful world of Dog Enrichment by understanding their mental wellness and how to improve it.
Sherwood Barks
8412 Davies Rd NW, Edmonton, AB